CDisplayEx is a small and simple application that allows you to read all types of comics in any of the following formats: cbr, cbz, cbt, rar, zip, tar, 7z, lzh, arj, cab, tar, gz, tar, bz2, jpeg, png, gif and bmp.
To manage the program all you have to do is use the arrow keys on the keyboard or the mouse wheel to turn the page and choose in the option menu if you want to see the images adjusted to your screen size or in their original format.
Besides this, which is the most important, you can also establish a series of keyboard shortcuts for every action, like for example rotating images, resizing, inputting open office subtitles, etc.
CDisplayEx is an excellent comic reader that any fan of this kind of entertainment should try out. It will never be the same as reading it on paper, but no doubt it has its own advantages.
Very excellent
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The best viewer I found.
This program is packaged with adware. Avoid using it and go with something else.